New Fedora and EPEL package: httpry 14 March 2012·Updated: 9 May 2024·229 words·2 mins A fellow Racker showed me httpry about five years ago and I’ve had in my toolbox as a handy way to watch HTTP traffic.
Get notifications instead of automatic updates in Scientific Linux 4 February 2012·Updated: 9 May 2024·231 words·2 mins Scientific Linux installations have a package called yum-autoupdate by default and the package contains two files:
Automatically upgrading to new point releases of Scientific Linux 23 November 2011·Updated: 9 May 2024·120 words·1 min When you install Scientific Linux, it will keep you on the same point release that you installed.
Live upgrade Fedora 15 to Fedora 16 using yum 15 November 2011·Updated: 9 May 2024·589 words·3 mins Before we get started, I really ought to drop this here: