Fixing broken DNS lookups in spamassassin 20 June 2014·Updated: 9 May 2024·311 words·2 mins I talked about the joys of running my own mail server last week only to find that my mail server was broken yesterday.
Remove sensitive information from email headers with postfix 15 April 2013·Updated: 9 May 2024·172 words·1 min I’m in the process of moving back to a postfix/dovecot setup for hosting my own mail and I wanted a way to remove the more sensitive email headers that are normally generated when I send mail.
SELinux and .forward files 2 January 2012·Updated: 9 May 2024·144 words·1 min If you want to forward e-mail from root to another user, you can usually place a .
Basic procmail configuration with spamassassin filtering 13 August 2008·Updated: 9 May 2024·62 words·1 min I’ve used this extremely basic procmail configuration a million times, and it’s a great start for any server configuration.
Enable submission port 587 in Postfix 5 July 2007·Updated: 9 May 2024·46 words·1 min Enabling submission port support for Postfix is really easy.