Raise the bar with an SBAR 2 August 2022·Updated: 9 May 2024·1457 words·7 mins Efficiently communicate a problem and your recommendation in record time with an SBAR. 📝
Etsy reminds us that information security is an active process 22 July 2014·Updated: 9 May 2024·83 words·1 min I’m always impressed with the content published by folks at Etsy and Ben Hughes’ presentation from DevOpsDays Minneapolis 2014 is no exception.
DevOps and enterprise inertia 17 April 2014·Updated: 9 May 2024·780 words·4 mins As I wait in the airport to fly back home from this year’s Red Hat Summit, I’m thinking back over the many conversations I had over breakfast, over lunch, and during the events.
Information security nuggets from DevOps Weekly #150 17 November 2013·Updated: 9 May 2024·279 words·2 mins Keeping an eye out for the DevOps Weekly email is something I’ve enjoyed since it started at the end of 2010.