Second try at self-hosting Mastodon

Table of Contents
Mastodon caught my attention at the end of 2022 in the wake of all the Twitter shenanigans. At a high level, Mastodon is an implementation of ActivityPub and you can use it for “micro-blogging” much like you would use Twitter. (This is a really quick, high-level explanation and I skipped over plenty of detail.) 😉
This post covers my journey on Mastodon that led me to self-host my own Mastodon instance in a fairly reliable way.
Early start #
My early Mastodon adventure started out much like the story of Goldilocks:
- I started out on, but it was too big. There were so many people on the server that the federated timeline was flying by. Rules seemed to be enforced well, but it was a bit like Twitter all over again.
- I deployed my own, but it was too small (the federated timeline was empty). Finding new people to talk to or following new topics was difficult.
- Finally, I discovered Fosstodon after several friends in the open source community joined. It felt just right.
The admins of the Fosstodon instance are fantastic. Sure, there was downtime as the usage levels increased, but the admin team was quick to communicate the issues at hand along with future plans. My interactions with the community were almost all positive and it was fun to reconnect with some open source contributors that I had not spoken to in ages.
As time went on, I read various toots1 about Mastodon servers changing owners, suddenly going offline, or altering rules abruptly. Someone talked about taking control of your online identity and that Mastodon should be included in that.
This aligned with my existing approach to hosting blogs on my own domains. Also, after the Twitter fiasco, I’d like people to find me via the systems where I have full control, such as my blog.
Self-hosted adventure #
So far, there are three main deployment methods for Mastodon that I’ve found:
- The official guide uses a custom Ruby, lots of steps, and systemd
- Using docker-compose
- Deploying in kubernetes using Mastodon’s charts or the ones from Bitnami
Official guide #
Although the official guide looks fairly straightforward, it has a lot of steps. I struggled to get the right Ruby version compiled on Fedora 37 and I found spots where I needed to tweak the guide to make things work. Also, I wasn’t sure if I could get the steps done the same way again if I needed to migrate the instance or recover from a failure.
docker-compose #
Next up was docker-compose. I use docker-compose quite often and I know my way around many of the rough edges. However, I couldn’t get the upstream compose file to work properly. Sometimes the database migrations would not run. Sometimes certain pieces of the Mastodon infrastructure couldn’t find each other. As soon as I tried to set passwords for postgres and redis, I couldn’t get Mastodon’s rails app to work again.
In addition, the docker-compose file from upstream builds containers on your local machine rather than pulling the official containers that were built and tested upstream. That’s a quick fix in the compose file, but I still had issues during the deployment.
kubernetes #
Finally, I looked at kubernetes. Surely you can just add kubernetes to something and make it better, right? 😆
The Bitnami charts made it much further along than the charts from upstream, but I still had errors flowing about database migrations cut off during their run and occasionally unreachable postgres servers.
There must be a better way.
Deployment #
For this Mastodon deployment to work well, I needed a few things:
- The deployment should be mostly hands off. Said another way, moving it to another server or re-deploying should be a
docker-compose up -d
plus one or two commands maximum. - It should be relatively easy to back up and restore.
- The big file of secret environment variables should be generated ahead of time and not at deploy time.
After plenty of trial and error, I came up with this plan:
- Start with an empty secrets environment file. Deploy all of the containers and run the
rake db:setup
to generate the environment file. - Copy the environment file to
so that it can be used along with upstream’s docker-compose file. - Delete the entire deployment. Remove all existing volumes and containers.
- Add Caddy to the deployment to handle TLS and serving cached content.
- Deploy again with
docker-compose up -d
and runrake db:setup
to prepare the database with the environment file.
Without further ado, let’s get to the guide!
Generate the environment file #
Here’s my initial docker-compose file:
version: '3'
restart: always
container_name: postgres
- internal_network
test: ['CMD', 'pg_isready', '-U', 'postgres']
- postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my-super-secret-postgres-password
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
restart: always
container_name: redis
image: redis:7
- internal_network
test: ['CMD', 'redis-cli', 'ping']
- redis:/data
image: tootsuite/mastodon
container_name: web
restart: always
env_file: .env.production
command: bash -c "rm -f /mastodon/tmp/pids/; bundle exec rails s -p 3000"
- external_network
- internal_network
test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'wget -q --spider --proxy=off localhost:3000/health || exit 1']
- ''
- postgres
- redis
# - es
- mastodon-public:/mastodon/public/system
image: tootsuite/mastodon
container_name: streaming
restart: always
env_file: .env.production
command: node ./streaming
- external_network
- internal_network
test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'wget -q --spider --proxy=off localhost:4000/api/v1/streaming/health || exit 1']
- ''
- postgres
- redis
image: tootsuite/mastodon
container_name: sidekiq
restart: always
env_file: .env.production
command: bundle exec sidekiq -c 1
- postgres
- redis
- external_network
- internal_network
- mastodon-public:/mastodon/public/system
test: ['CMD-SHELL', "ps aux | grep '[s]idekiq\ 6' || false"]
internal: true
mastodon-public: {}
postgres: {}
redis: {}
I’ve made a few alterations to the upstream compose file:
- I’m using the upstream containers from docker hub rather than building them on startup
- My containers use docker volumes instead of mounting local directories
- The sidekiq container only uses one worker (keeping resource usage low)
At this point, I can run docker-compose up -d
and all of the containers are running.
Now we can use Mastodon’s interactive configuration tool to generate our environments file:
docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:setup
Go through the interactive configuration and answer all of the questions there.
For SMTP, I used Mailgun since it’s very inexpensive for my Mastodon use case. Once you set up your account there, look for the SMTP credentials under your domain in Mailgun’s control panel. The Mastodon setup process will ask for those credentials.
Also, I keep all of my assets in Backblaze B2 to avoid clogging up all of the storage on my VM that runs Mastodon.
Create a public bucket in Backblaze and create some access keys.
When Mastodon asks for your S3 endpoint, use
If it asks for a hostname, you can use
Once the setup completes, take the environments file that prints to the screen and store that as .env.production
Delete the deployment (for real) #
This is going to sound weird, but we need to throw everything away at this point. I like this step because it allows me to start fresh with a fully generated environments file. It’s a good simulation of how things might look in a brand new deployment or during a migration from one server to another.
# Stop all of the current containers and delete them (see warning above!)
$ docker-compose rm -sfv
# Destroy all of the container volumes (see warning above!)
$ docker system prune --volumes
Add Caddy #
For most container deployments, I’d use traefik here. Its configuration discovery abilities, especially when paired with docker-compose, are top-notch. There’s almost no little one-off configuration issues when you use traefik.
However, Mastodon has tons of static assets, such as images, stylesheets, and other media. Serving those through Mastodon’s rails web server is possible, but it’s horribly inefficient. It chews up much more CPU time and it’s slower to respond.
That’s where Caddy comes in. Caddy has automatic TLS capabilities with LetsEncrypt and it can also serve static content. This takes the load off of Mastodon’s rails web server.
Start by adding a new service to your compose file:
image: caddy:2-alpine
restart: unless-stopped
container_name: caddy
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- ./caddy/etc-caddy:/etc/caddy:Z
- ./caddy/logs:/logs:Z
- mastodon-public:/srv/mastodon/public:ro
hostname: ""
- internal_network
- external_network
Change the hostname
to fit your server.
The mastodon-public
volume is the one that Mastodon uses for its public content and mounting it inside the Caddy container allows Caddy to serve those assets.
In my case, I created a caddy
directory in my home directory to hold the configuration and log files:
$ mkdir caddy/{etc-caddy,logs}
The :Z
on the volumes for configuration and logs ensures that these directories have the right SELinux contexts so that the container can access the files in these directories.
If your system does not use SELinux, you can omit the :Z
I wrote a caddy configuration in ./caddy/etc-caddy/Caddyfile
that is a slight tweak of Robert Riemann’s version:
# Global options block. Entirely optional, https is on by default
# Optional email key for lets encrypt
# Optional staging lets encrypt for testing. Comment out for production.
# acme_ca
# admin off
} {
log {
# format single_field common_log
output file /logs/access.log
root * /srv/mastodon/public
encode gzip
@static file
handle @static {
handle /api/v1/streaming* {
reverse_proxy streaming:4000
handle {
reverse_proxy web:3000
#header {
# Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000;"
header /sw.js Cache-Control "public, max-age=0";
header /emoji* Cache-Control "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
header /packs* Cache-Control "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
header /system/accounts/avatars* Cache-Control "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
header /system/media_attachments/files* Cache-Control "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
handle_errors {
@5xx expression `{http.error.status_code} >= 500 && {http.error.status_code} < 600`
rewrite @5xx /500.html
Be sure to change
to your Mastodon server’s domain as well as email
to your email.
In addition, you may want to uncomment the acme_ca
option shown there to avoid hitting LetsEncrypt’s production API limits while you are testing your deployment.
(Comment out the staging server later to ensure you get a valid, trusted certificate.)
Let’s bring up our new Caddy container!
$ docker-compose up -d
Initialize Mastodon #
At this point, we have Caddy serving content and all of our Mastodon containers are running. However, the Mastodon database isn’t populated at all. Let’s do that now:
docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:setup
This step uses your environments file to run all of Mastodon’s database migrations and perform some initial setup steps. It might take about 30 seconds to run.
Create our first user once the setup process finishes:
$ docker-compose run --rm web bin/tootctl accounts create USERNAME --email YOUR_EMAIL --confirmed --role Owner
This command creates a new administrative user, sets the email address for that user, and confirms the account. The confirmation part allows you to skip the email confirmation process for that first account. Your initial password prints out as soon as the command finishes.
You should be able to access your Mastodon deployment on the domain you chose (mine is and log in as the user you just created. If something doesn’t look right, examine the container logs to see if it’s something obvious:
$ docker-compose logs -f --since 5m
If a container is in a restart loop, you should catch it fairly quickly in the logs.
Next steps #
First, turn off new registrations if you plan to run a single user instance like I do. Click the preferences gear/cog on the main page, click Administration, *Server Settings, and Registrations.
Next, enable two-factor authentication for your account. Click the preferences gear/cog on the main page, click Account, and then Two-factor Auth.
Finally, back up your environments file (.env.production
) and your docker-compose.yaml
This will make it much easier to recover from a failure or migrate to a new server.
If you’re using remote assets in S3 or Backblaze, you don’t need to back up that content. Focus on backing up postgres and redis on a regular basis:
# Dump postgres data
$ docker-compose exec postgres pg_dump -d mastodon -U postgres --no-owner > backups/pgdump-$(date +%F_%H-%M-%S).sql
# Copy redis data
$ docker-compose cp redis:/data/dump.rdb backups/
Let me know if you run into problems with the steps described in this post. I assembled them from my shell history and some notes I took along the way. There’s always a chance I missed something.
Posts on Mastodon were called “toots” for ages since that’s the supposed sound that an elephant trunk makes. Many people want to switch that to “posts” and the latest version of Mastodon changed the “toot” button to “publish.” I’ll call them toots forever. Heck, I’m the owner of 😉 ↩︎